
Alfredo Di Stefano
The 'Blond Arrow' was one of the finest players ever to grace the game.
He was in inspiration behind Real Madrid's dominance in Europe at the time
and played at international level for three countries - Argentina, Colombia
and Spain.
1957 Winner:
Alfredo Di Stefano (Real
Madrid & Spain)
With Real Madrid sweeping all before them in Europe it was odds-on that
the driving force behind their success, Alfredo Di Stefano, would be voted
European Footballer of the Year in 1957 - and he was, by a mile. The Brits
did well though with Billy Wright a distant second in the voting, Duncan
Edwards 3rd, John Charles 6th, Tommy Taylor 8th, Danny Blanchflower 14th=
and Johnny Haynes and previous winner Stanley Matthews tied in 17th
place. Tragically, the events at Munich in February 1958 meant that two of
those players would never get the opportunity to be included in the vote
Top 10 placings -