
Quiz 58 - General
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sporting questions for you to try.
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When I was compiling
this quiz rugby union club Saracens were hitting the headlines for all
the wrong reasons. In more settled times for them - between 1997 and
2013 - Saracens shared the ground of which football club?
Name the woman jockey who
rode Organisedconfusion to victory in the 2011 Irish Grand
3. |
Who is pictured alongside?

4. |
Think of the home town of
Torvill & Dean then think of a League club who play in that city who play in
red. Who managed that club between 1975 and 1993?
5. |
Steve Ovett won Olympic
medals at two distances, which two -
a) 400 metres and 800 metres
b) 800 metres and 1500
c) 1500
metres and 5000 metres
6. |
Colin Cowdrey, Alan Knott and
Derek Underwood all played together in the England cricket team. They
were also team-mates in which County side?
7. |
In the build-up to the 2012 Olympics Usain Bolt seemed to be permanently
on TV and in the papers advertising what?

8. |
In golf terminology what is an
Brawn GP competed for just one season - 2009 -
in the Formula 1 World Championship but one of their two drivers finished
the season as World Champion. Who?
10. |
In 1985 who was the
unseeded 17-year-old who won the men's title at Wimbledon?
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