In January 2013 which British Olympic medalist said
'I can't tell you how
many times you slide down the beam and your leotard's up your bum'?

Gymnast Beth Tweddle
Despite extensive and enjoyable
research I couldn't find a picture of her which illustrated her particular
wardrobe malfunction problem.
In her interview with Now
magazine she explained the problem - 'I can't tell you how many times
you slide down the beam and your leotard's up your bum. The problem is you
can't pull it down - you're not allowed to. You'd get points deducted so
you just have to carry on. It's so embarrassing. My lifesaver in
competitions was glue spray. You literally glue the leotard to your bum.'
Now if I knew that gluing job was on
offer I might have volunteered to help at the London Olympics!
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